As a result of the broken relationship between Lisa and her father, she developed bitterness in her heart towards him. She wouldn't talk to him or have anything to do with him for years. Lisa grew up and had kids of her own. Like her mother, she married her first son's father, but later divorced and had another son out of wedlock. Now, Lisa has two sons that she is raising without a father present in their lives.
This is a result of doing things out of the divine order of God. Ladies, It has always been God's will for a household to have two parents. I didn't say it, God said it! The enemy has convinced us that we should continue to birth children out of wedlock and do things OUR way and not God's way. You can do it your way, but it'll never work YOUR way. It's more pleasant to do it God's way. We are tearing our children up by adopting a mindset of, "I don't need a man! I can do it by myself." No! Stop allowing the devil to deceive you with his lies. It is God's divine will that a man be the head of the household. There are some things that a man can teach a child that we can't. A young girl needs her father to tell her how beautiful she is and how a man should treat her. A young boy needs that father figure in his life to direct him in the paths of manhood. It's true! I like the way my pastor says it, "It's tight, but it's right!"
Now, there can be a man who is present in the household but is not taking the leadership role that he should be taking. This is a problem. If the woman is the head of a household and a man is present, that household is out of order! I want to point out a few things in Genesis:
- God created the man first
- He made the woman from the rib of the man
- He gave the instructions to Adam and not Eve
Now here's the problem that is still going on today:
- The serpent is still talking to the woman and we are allowing him to beguile us
- The woman is still eating the fruit of lies and the men are standing by allowing it
- The men are blaming the women and the women are blaming the serpent
Why do you think God asked the man the first question? Well, that's who he entrusted His instructions to. Oftentimes, we miss the part where the bible says that the man was with the woman. He was supposed to stand on the word of God, period. I really believe that she would have followed suit; that's my opinion. I'm just saying.... Runners take your mark!
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