Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spiritually Constipated

Abbey and her father had just returned home from dinner and a movie.  John noticed how his daughter was just laying around the house doing nothing.  She looked weak and feeble but assured him that it was nothing.  After three days of not eating, only consuming liquids, John decided to take Abbey to the doctor to see what was going on with her.  It was not his daughter’s character to sit around the house and do nothing.
Doctor: “Abbey, are you hurting anywhere?”
Abbey:  “Well….my stomach hurts a little, but it’s nothing too bad.”
Doctor: “When was the last time you had a bowel movement?”
Abbey: “Ummm…..I believe it was about five days ago.”
Doctor: “Oh, I see. Well, we will do an x-ray of your stomach to see if something serious is going on. Okay?”
Abbey:  “Okay.”
Doctor: “Mr. Thomas, it looks as though Abbey is constipated.  It’s a good thing that you brought her in when you did.  This situation could have resulted in something far more critical!  Abbey has been eating far too many sweets.  I will need for you to help her adopt a healthier eating lifestyle.”
John:  “Thank you, doctor! I never knew that constipation could cause these type of problems. Wow!”
Doctor: “Yes.  Constipation occurs when the bowels are not regularly pushing waste out, the entire digestive system can become backed up and unhealthy. Waste stays in our bodies longer, and becomes sticky and hardened along the intestinal wall, and, overtime, starts to fester and enlarge intestinal pores, letting toxins enter our blood stream. Any longer and it would have caused an infection.”

Just as we can get constipated naturally, we can also become constipated spiritually.  Oftentimes, we continue to pile mess on top of mess, causing our digestive system to become backed up.  This mess could be unconfessed sin, not reading your bible, not praying, weights, or a number of other things.  If you go long periods of time without reading your bible, praying or fellowshipping with other believers, you are starving your spirit of the nutrients it requires to maintain a healthy balance. In order to have a relationship with someone, there has to be communication.  The bible says that we are to worship God in Spirit and in truth.  Worship is not just a Sunday experience, but an everyday experience with God.  We are to worship Him in how we live our lives and by spending time with Him.  What are you doing in your free time? Does God come first or the television?  Does God come first or the internet? Does God comes first or talking on your cell phone?  The problem for me was a little sleep, a little slumber!  All of these things, if not used in moderation, can eventually constipate you spiritually.  The bible says, “All things are lawful, but not all things are beneficial” (I Corinthians 10:23).  Although it wasn't a sin for me to sleep, too much sleep didn't benefit my walk with Christ. The bible says to WATCH and pray; you can’t watch if you are sleep all day! 


  1. Preach this is so true. As Christians we have to be alert.

    1. Yes, we do. The bible tells us how crafty the enemy is and that we must watch and pray.
