Saturday, May 24, 2014

What’s pumping in your heart?

Today, It seems as though everyone is out to get on your nerves, speak death into your life, or step on your toes with the spirit of excellence! Forgiveness is one of those things that is a struggle for most of us. We are, however, commanded to forgive those who have trespassed against us. In Matthew 18:21, Peter asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother or sister who has sinned against us. In verse 22, Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Let’s be honest, that’s not really something that a lot of us want to hear. Sometimes we want to hear, “They did you wrong and you have every right to hold a grudge.” This is contrary to the word of God, because God said we are to forgive. Well, how do we position ourselves to forgive a person that continues to transgress against us? The only thing that helped me was the act of prayer. First, I had to change my mind about some things and decide that I did not want to harbor unforgiveness in my heart. Then I had to pray for the person. This was not easy for me because I struggled with this for many years. Sometimes you have to faith it until you make it! Don’t be deceived, unforgiveness is a spiritual poison that will bring death to the body if it’s not excreted. By all means necessary, excrete this poison from your system before it reaches your heart. If you think about the way our body functions, the heart pumps blood and this blood travels throughout the body. Leviticus 17:11 reads:“For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” So if you have this poison pumping to the vital organs of your body, what do think will happen? The poison that is flowing through your body will eventually shut the major organs down. The bible says we are to guard our hearts. That’s why is of utmost importance to make up your mind and forgive everyone that has trespassed against you. We all have stepped on someone’s toes in our lives. I sure have. Be encouraged and do it God’s way and forgive, because forgiveness is for you! Examine yourselves and ask the question: What’s pumping in my heart?

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